October 24, 2016 zacherlaw 0 Comments

Three former residents and one employee of Wesley Health Care Center in Saratoga Springs, New York tested positive for Legionella bacteria. The former residents were staying on the same floor while involved in short-term rehabilitation programs at the nursing home.

The facility last performed routine tests for Legionella on September 2, 2016, yielding negative results. Saratoga Hospital informed Wesley Health Care Center of the cases of Legionnaires’ disease on October 13, 2016, and dozens of water samples have been taken from the facility since then in an attempt to determine if it is the source of the bacteria. The results of those tests are not yet known, and the facility has implemented a temporary water restriction plan in the meantime.

Two of the former residents and the employee are expected to make a full recovery, while the third former resident was readmitted to the hospital due to worsening conditions. The New York State Department of Health has also been investigating two additional cases of Legionnaires’ disease, but it is not known whether or not they are also associated with the facility.

More information is available at the link below:


Jules Zacher is an attorney in Philadelphia who has tried Legionnaires’ disease cases across the U.S.  Please visit LegionnaireLawyer.com for updates to this post or for more information on Legionnaires’ disease


Four cases of Legionnaires’ disease associated with Wesley Health Care Center was last modified: October 24th, 2016 by zacherlaw

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